Many scientists have warned about having reached the 'tipping point' with regards to climate change. In other words, we are at a point of no return, fatal damage has been inflicted on the planet and nothing we can do will reverse it. And it's only getting worse. The Carbons Major Report of 2017 found that 'more than half of global industrial emissions since 1988 – the year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established – can be traced to just 25 corporate and state-owned entities.'
The Carbons Report is a study on emissions, but the world has been stricken for decades by manufacturing chemical giants such as Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, DuPont and BASF (the largest chemical manufacturing plant in the world with 69.2 billion in earnings for the year 2017).
Monsanto, the archetypical corporation and grandfather of all chemical manufacturing, has polluted water, contaminated food, ruined health and destroyed lives and in the while, created new diseases. Since its inception nearly one hundred years ago, and with the overt complicity of those agencies created to safeguard the company, Monsanto has been destroying the planet.
It would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a Monsanto corporate executive to get into heaven. Monsanto is responsible for PCPs, the godsend of mankind, which turned out to be a disaster, but by the time it was discovered, it was in everything. Poisoning the water we drink, the ground, the food.
Organizations set up to protect us, like the FDA, EPA and Health Canada are working in tandem with those very corporations. Bureaucrats go from government positions to corporate positions and back, a revolving door of corruption and conflict-of-interest. Congressmen and senators have been bribed and bought off by large corporations.
The common man. He has his gun loaded beside him to protect his
family and his home from whatever hell is coming, but he's already dead. He's been dead for years. The killers slithered into his
home, years before, like an odorless gas, striking his family down with
disease and disorder when he was watching television, drinking Diet Coke, snacking on Lays
Cheese Flavor Chips and dreaming of the day when he, too, would be
rich. He became obese, perhaps morbidly and thereby immobile, and while he was eating and
protecting his right to bear arms, his right to a clean life was gone.