The Arnold Schwarzenegger biography came out in October and now the most maniacally egotistical person in Hollywood is in the news again.
In the book, he goes into his version of
events that led up to his and Maria Shriver's separation, and how Maria
confronted him at a therapy session he believed he was attending in order to deal with
their new life out of the public eye.
He admitted that the kid was his and after, attempted to stop Maria from leaving him with the assurance that she
was the 'perfect wife' and she still 'turned him on.'
I wonder if he also told her she had a great
The housekeeper had Arnie's child only four weeks before Maria delivered her youngest child, but it was only after fourteen years of mini
look-alike Arnie racing around the house that Maria confronted him about the offspring. It was impossible for Maria to ignore
and too callous of Arnie to deny.
A few
weeks after the truth was out, Maria's father died and at the funeral she spoke about her Dad, saying his greatest accomplishment was 'teaching her brothers how to
treat a wife.'
Unfortunately, her mother
didn't teach her daughter how to treat a husband. Which is, don't pretend you don't know about his philandering and throw the bum out.
Arnie's father |
Rumours about Arnold have circulated for years
starting with his marijuana use, his misogyny, his inflated ego, his womanizing,
his sadistic sense of humor and his Nazi father. According to Ian Halperin, who
wrote an unauthorized biography of Arnold,
he was also selling steroids to other bodybuilders for a profit. Also quoting Halperin, he was 'ambitious, arrogant, and his marriage to Maria was
a deliberate upward-mobility ploy.' What better way to advance a career
(public or private) than marrying into one of America’s most powerful political
families? Poor Maria, it's a little
late to regret her marriage to one of the most selfish creeps in California.
the housekeeper |
the extra son |
I feel sorry for Maria and Arnie’s four kids as
they not only have gone through the public unravelling of their parents' marriage, but
now have to suffer through the embarrassing publication of their father's latest
revelations. The family are said to be
heartbroken over it. They now have more sordid information to
digest about their wayward father. It's enough they were informed
they had a new half-brother born of their trusted and beloved housemaid who slept with
Arnold in Maria’s marital bed while wearing Maria’s gowns and jewelry. Imagine Arnold giving it to her while she was all
decked out a la Maria. It was said
at the time that more of his scattered DNA were ready to climb out of their
cribs and start bawling, but we haven't heard anything from them yet. According to
family friend Jane Seymour, who traveled in the same social circles as the Schwarzeneggers, there
were two more children (that she knew of) that had yet to be introduced to their half-brothers and sister, and that there were more mistresses getting out of bed to tell
their tales.
Arnie and Brigitte |
In all this, I don't feel
that much sympathy for Maria.
For one thing, for months just before Arnie married her, he carried on an affair with his co-star Brigitte Neilsen, which Maria suspected because he didn't hide it. She asked him about it and he denied it. Duh! Also, when 16 women came forward in 2003 to complain about
Schwarzenegger’s rude and obscene behavior by groping, grabbing and using barnyard
gestures towards them, Maria pooh-poohed their testimonies and said her husband
was one of the most truthful, honest, and intelligent men she had ever known.
He had the 'character to govern.' She saved his career
right before his election. At the time, she felt her support was unappreciated.
I wonder how appreciated she's feeling now.