
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Terrorism - Ignored in America

drone aircraft in the sky

My current complaint rests with the fact that not enough Americans dig beyond the mainstream newspaper headlines to discover the political and military truths about their government; the truth won't be found in the general media, including what could arguably be called America's most astute newspaper, The New York Times.

Afghans protesting drone attacksThe few journalists who do dare to write honestly and in depth about American foreign policy are marginalized, and in some cases, ridiculed.

Imagine a foreign army marching into Washington, D.C. and overthrowing the government saying 'we need to get rid of Obama because he's a drug dealer, or he's a terrorist, or he's a Communist dictator.' Yet these are the same reasons the American government has given for years for sending in its powerful military forces (or hiring proxy armies) into numerous countries around the world - financing coups, ignoring murder, creating famine and leaving behind devastation, poverty and despair.  In other words - sponsoring state terrorism.

Pakistanis burning the American flag
Anti-Americanism growing
When America illegally invades other countries and destroys them, they package it up and market it to the American people as an unfortunate part of the peace process and/or just a necessary evil towards creating a democratic populace free to elect their own leaders. However, if another foreign country threatens or illegally invades their neighbor this is colored as a threat to democracy or an expansion of communism and terrorism, yet what we really know is that, bottom line, it's a threat to American imperialism.

How can we label the drone strikes that have been carried out by the American military in Pakistan and Afghanistan as anything other than terrorism? The illegal entry of a foreign military into sovereign territory for the sole purpose of creating terror is terrorism. The latest drone attack in Yemen shows that numerous innocent victims were killed while attending a wedding party.  It's a reminder of the people in the wedding party that were tragically and deliberately murdered by American soldiers in Iraq in 2004, leaving 42 revelers dead and many more wounded, including the musicians and children. Imagine the media coverage this kind of event would get if it happened to Americans in the States by a foreign entity?  It would be first-up news for days, including weeks of analysis on television.

The U.N. is ineffective and in tandem with that, so is the World Court. This latest drone attack in Yemen should be condemned, yet nothing is done towards creating a peace process, to say nothing of clawing back America's continued terrorism around the world. But then, the news in America being what it is, nobody knows.