Currently, there has been an outcry of condemnation for the norms of the past - slavery, racism, genocide, segregation, sexual harassment, sexual assault and bullying - to list a few. A comeuppance on behavior has led to charges in some instances. Think Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein, two pimply degenerates doing insufficent time. But they are only two of many.
The MeToo movement, years past but still in our rearview, has given many women a thoughtful moment, including me. Perhaps I, too, might have acted more assertively in past situations. Here's one example of how I'd like to rewind and do it over:
I lived in a small town once upon a time. Phil was a local painter, a grandiose landscape artist around my age, 40, and a good friend of my boyfriend. He was good-looking in an alcoholic Cary Grantish sort of way and had a young girlfriend with a great personality, but it didn't last long as Phil was having a shallower but more meaningful relationship with himself. So here's how the night would have ended. After Phil pinches me, I would turn around and wobble back into his house saying I really had to bloody well pee. Right now! I'd charge back into the living room and while stumbling towards the shit can, I'd trip and drunkenly collapse over his painting, knocking it backwards and taking the table down with it, accidentally smearing his 'best ever' with cigarette butts, beer and ashes. I'd make like I was too drunk to stand, cursing and fumbling as I lie there, humping on the painting just for a lark to lighten the mood, cracking the frame as I lean on it to stand up again on my wobbly legs. So. Sorry.