
Showing posts with label Afghanistan War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Afghanistan War. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Biden - Another Murderer in Office

And that's what Biden is, by ordering the last drone strike in Afghanistan, the final FU after the troops finally pulled out - a supposed hit against a suicide bomber to make everybody feel better over 12 dead American troops. Biden clearly announced, WE GOT THEM! about the would-be attackers. Like George Bush's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED moment. The American military sent out an attack drone and the first suspicious car it spotted on the road, it zapped. But the airstrike didn't kill any bomber or would be airport suicide bomber, nor a member of Al Queda, nor an ISIS fighter. The bomb destroyed a car with a fellow delivering containers of water to his home and neighbors, and when children ran out the door of their homes to greet him, that is the moment when the bomb struck. 10 dead - 7 children, 3 adults.  

However, according to Andrew Mitrovica, a journalist with Al Jazeera, 'one of the principal qualifications of becoming president is the necessity to kill, maim, and traumatise other human beings in the murderous pursuit of the ever malleable US 'national interest'".  So well done Joe! You're following along in your predecessor's footsteps. Let's declare the war a successful win. As in Vietnam. Ask an American today who won the Vietnam War (named The America War in Vietnam) and most will say that Americans won the Vietnam War. Thus will follow the 'victory' in Afghanistan and the successful mission in Iraq.  

The official victory story (we came for one mission and we completed that mission, says Joe) will not be changed by Joe nor whomever comes after him. If Americans still can't apologize to the Vietnamese about the ongoing effects of Agent Orange, why would they apologize for a little family in Afghanistan cruelly wiped out? 

On September 11, Americans put their hands over their hearts and wept over what happened on that day, the explanation of which is a fabrication, a pretext and a necessary event to get concensus on the need to hussle over to the Middle East and take out Saddam with the pretense he was developing weapons of mass destruction. Furthermore, let's just call the hundreds of Ph.D Structural, Construction, Electrical and Chemical Engineers, Architects, demolition experts, along with the pilots, firemen and top-tier military personnel who question the official story about 9/11, a bunch of conspiracy theorists, lunatics, nutcases and haters of America, thus invalidating their opinions and closing the door to any further discussion. Wasn't the official story out there within hours of the attack?  

Yes, the American government is very sophisticated, they know how Americans think, or not.