I can’t fathom why women work out until they look like the above. Who wants to look like this? Her physicality, the bits that make her a woman and unique, have been sucked up and transformed into hard-core super-muscles that bulge with veins.
Look at this woman, below. Perhaps this fellow is asking for her hand in marriage?

Perhaps she'll be satisfied when she looks like this.

In the last few years a lot of attention has been given to body dysmorphic disorder, which includes diseases like anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating. As described on the website Wikipedia, it's a disorder characterized as 'a type of mental illness...wherein the affected person is concerned with body image, manifested as excessive concern about and pre-occupation with a perceived defect of their physical features. The person complains of a defect in either one feature or several features of their body; or vaguely, complains about their general appearance, which causes psychological distress that causes clinically significant distress or impairs occupational or social functioning. Often BDD co-occurs with emotional depression and anxiety, social withdrawal or social isolation.'
Women who alter their bodies in drastic ways through dangerous procedures such as liposuction, extreme breast augmentation and even buttock implants manifest signs of this psychological disease, yet very little has been written to suggest that women who take bodybuilding to an extreme level suffer from this same disease. One woman who has done both is Jodie Marsh.
Jodie Marsh is a minor British celebrity who began her career as a model and Katie Price clone with the prerequisite silicone breasts and lips. However, as a result of all the negative press she received after her brief stint on the British reality show Celebrity Big Brother, she became depressed and suicidal and withdrew from the spotlight. It wasn't until she discovered body-building that she started to feel good about herself and found the strength to ignore all the hurtful comments and negativity she experienced in the press.

After more than two years of hard work in the gym, Jodie loves the way she looks and says that her sex life has improved enormously as a result of her new, improved body. Which begs the question: Is that what she had to do to get laid? Which begs another question: Are men more latently homosexual than we know?

In today’s world, you can attain fame just by having enormous implants, such as Pamela Anderson, but to have enormous implants and make a sex tape is to become enormously successful, enough so to be featured on the Ellen Degeneres Show. We're living in an age where success and fame don't necessarily hinge on talent.
I don't see the beauty in transforming God's fabulous creation into either a human clone of Barbie, or a smaller version of Arnie Schwartznegger. Many women are suffering from body dysmorphic disorder because there are no sensible female archetypes being presented in the world of art, business, fashion and entertainment. I have watched body-building competitions and the main thing I feel when I see them is not envy, but horror. It's cringe-worthy. And I feel the same way when I see models walking down the runways at fashion shows. It would be empowering if women could 'take back their bodies and spirits' and stop being defined by a world that is subliminally destroying them, but something tells me we've lost our way.