
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sir Jimmy Savile

Jimmy Savile smoking a cigar sitting in a chair naked
Arnold Schwarzenegger may be a creep, but his sins are innocuous compared to the 'predatory sex offender' Jimmy Savile, an English disc jockey, television presenter and media personality who is now being vilified in the press for his criminal sexual activities with children over a 40-year period.

An investigation is now underway to discover how extensive his criminal actions were after a raft of women and a few men have come forward claiming that Jimmy either groped or raped them in his dressing room at the BBC, while others have claimed he assaulted them in the schools or hospitals where they were residing at the time. New allegations keep arising every day, the latest being that Jimmy may also have been a necrophiliac. He was in charge of taking the dead to the mortuary at a hospital where he volunteered for years. When he was once questioned about this, Jimmy said that everybody would accuse him of liking dead bodies. 'I'm not a necrophiliac!' said Jimmy. Likewise, he said he wasn't a pedophile.

In the early days of the scandal, some said it was unconscionable to accuse the dead of crimes for which they couldn't defend themselves, however too many witnesses have now come forward with stories that can't be refuted.

Jimmy Savile on the air at Top of the PopsJimmy Savile was with the BBC for thirty years as a presenter and host of Jim'll Fix It and Top of the Pops. He was a legend. Over the years many entertainers guested on his shows, including the notorious Gary Glitter, who evidently had sex, in Savile's dressing room, with an underage girl. According to witness Karin Ward, who was 14 years old at the time, she and two fellow pupils of Duncroft boarding school for ‘intelligent, emotionally disturbed girls’ in Surrey were invited to London by Savile. She recalled: ‘I saw Gary Glitter have sex with a girl in Jimmy Savile’s dressing room in that little alcove bit. I didn’t see it completely but that’s what was going on and nobody batted an eyelid. Jimmy Savile had a [14-year-old] girl on his lap and he had his hand up her skirt. The girl Gary Glitter was having sex with also came from Duncroft. I think she might have been not quite 14.’

Gary Glitter, a 70's rock star, went to jail in Vietnam for raping children in his home. That was after being charged in England when the discovery of thousands of images of children on his computer lead to his arrest. He brought his computer in to be serviced and they were discovered on his hard drive. At that time, Jimmy Savile had defended Glitter's right to view child pornography. Glitter is now being questioned by police about these latest allegations.

Jimmy Savile and Louie Theroux look at a picture of the Duchess
A picture of 'Duchess'
Louis Theroux did a documentary on Jimmy Savile in the late 90's and it's obvious that Jimmy had a weird, quirky personality. He comes off as evasive, argumentative, egotistical and hyper-active. He revered his mother, whom he called 'Duchess,' and lived with her his entire life. Twenty years after her death her room was still untouched.  Was her corpse propped up in a chair in the corner?

More of Jimmy's sexual crimes are being uncovered everyday as the investigation broadens to include schools and hospitals. At Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, where he was free to come and go to prey on young patients, some as young as nine years old, some of the staff knew about his behavior as the children were told to pretend they were asleep when Jimmy visited.

Jimmy Savile in white sweat suit Sir Jimmy was untouchable while alive, but since these revelations have been uncovered, his epitaph in Scarborough has been ripped up and smashed and sent to a landfill, the plaque on his house has been removed, and he will probably be stripped of his knighthood. Perhaps his corpse should be dug up and tossed on a slagheap and burned, as has been suggested. There will be no retribution for Jimmy, as he died in October 2011.

Again, it's the most vulnerable who are victims of pedophiles like Jimmy. His legacy also shows how hundreds of people were involved in covering up his actions for the sake of protecting the reputation of the BBC and by the time this investigation is over, many people, including entertainers, will be discovered to have had a hand in Jimmy's pie.  How else do you account for him carrying on for so long?  Sir Jimmy.   So vile.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger Biography


Arnold Schwarzenegger posing his biceps
The Arnold Schwarzenegger biography came out in October and now the most maniacally egotistical person in Hollywood is in the news again. In the book, he goes into his version of events that led up to his and Maria Shriver's separation, and how Maria confronted him at a therapy session he believed he was attending in order to deal with their new life out of the public eye.  He admitted that the kid was his and after, attempted to stop Maria from leaving him with the assurance that she was the 'perfect wife' and she still 'turned him on.' I wonder if he also told her she had a great ass.  

The housekeeper had Arnie's child only four weeks before Maria delivered her youngest child, but it was only after fourteen years of mini look-alike Arnie racing around the house that Maria confronted him about the offspring. It was impossible for Maria to ignore and too callous of Arnie to deny. A few weeks after the truth was out, Maria's father died and at the funeral she spoke about her Dad, saying his greatest accomplishment was 'teaching her brothers how to treat a wife.'  Unfortunately, her mother didn't teach her daughter how to treat a husband. Which is, don't pretend you don't know about his philandering and throw the bum out.    

Arnold Schwarzenegger's father as a Nazi
Arnie's father
Rumors about Arnold have circulated for years starting with his marijuana use, his misogyny, his inflated ego, his womanizing, his sadistic sense of humor and his Nazi father. According to Ian Halperin, who wrote an unauthorized biography of Arnold, he was also selling steroids to other bodybuilders for a profit. Also quoting Halperin, he was 'ambitious, arrogant, and his marriage to Maria was a deliberate upward-mobility ploy.' What better way to advance a career (public or private) than marrying into one of America’s most powerful political families? Poor Maria, it's a little late to regret her marriage to one of the most selfish creeps in California. 

the housekeeper
Schwarzenegger's son with Arnie
the extra son
I feel sorry for Maria and Arnie’s four kids as they not only have gone through the public unraveling of their parents' marriage, but now have to suffer through the embarrassing publication of their father's latest revelations. The family are said to be heartbroken over it. They now have more sordid information to digest about their wayward father. It's enough they were informed they had a new half-brother born of their trusted and beloved housemaid who slept with Arnold in Maria’s marital bed while wearing Maria’s gowns and jewelry. Imagine Arnold giving it to her while she was all decked out a la Maria. It was said at the time that more of his scattered DNA were ready to climb out of their cribs and start bawling, but we haven't heard anything from them yet. According to family friend Jane Seymour, who traveled in the same social circles as the Schwarzeneggers, there were two more children (that she knew of) that had yet to be introduced to their half-brothers and sister, and that there were more mistresses getting out of bed to tell their tales.  

Schwarzenegger with his arm around Brigitte Neilsen
Arnie and Brigitte
In all this, I don't feel that much sympathy for Maria. For one thing, for months just before Arnie married her, he carried on an affair with his co-star Brigitte Neilsen, which Maria suspected because he didn't hide it. She asked him about it and he denied it. Duh! Also, when 16 women came forward in 2003 to complain about Schwarzenegger’s rude and obscene behavior by groping, grabbing and using barnyard gestures towards them, Maria pooh-poohed their testimonies and said her husband was one of the most truthful, honest, and intelligent men she had ever known. He had the 'character to govern.'  She saved his career right before his election. At the time, she felt her support was unappreciated. I wonder how appreciated she's feeling now.