
Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Power of Negative Thinking

I am glad to feature the following article because it backs up my own strong feelings on this issue.I love the Stoic's philosophy.


The holiday season poses a psychological conundrum. Its defining sentiment, of course, is joy—yet the strenuous effort to be joyous seems to make many of us miserable. It's hard to be happy in overcrowded airport lounges or while you're trying to stay civil for days on end with relatives who stretch your patience.

So to cope with the holidays, magazines and others are advising us to "think positive"—the same advice, in other words, that Norman Vincent Peale, author of "The Power of Positive Thinking," was dispensing six decades ago. (During holidays, Peale once suggested, you should make "a deliberate effort to speak hopefully about everything.") The result all too often mirrors the famously annoying parlor game about trying not to think of a white bear: The harder you try, the more you think about one.

Just thinking in sober detail about worst-case scenarios can help to sap the future of its anxiety-producing power.

Variations of Peale's positive philosophy run deep in American culture, not just in how we handle holidays and other social situations but in business, politics and beyond. Yet studies suggest that peppy affirmations designed to lift the user's mood through repetition and visualizing future success often achieve the opposite of their intended effect.

Fortunately, both ancient philosophy and contemporary psychology point to an alternative: a counter- intuitive approach that might be termed "the negative path to happiness." This approach helps to explain some puzzles, such as the fact that citizens of more economically insecure countries often report greater happiness than citizens of wealthier ones. Or that many successful business people reject the idea of setting firm goals.

One pioneer of the "negative path" was the New York psychotherapist Albert Ellis, who died in 2007. He rediscovered a key insight of the Stoic philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome: that sometimes the best way to address an uncertain future is to focus not on the best-case scenario but on the worst.

Seneca the Stoic was a radical on this matter. If you feared losing your wealth, he once advised, "set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with coarse and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: 'Is this the condition that I feared?' "

To overcome a fear of embarrassment, Ellis told me, he advised his clients to travel on the New York subway, speaking the names of stations out loud as they passed. I'm an easily embarrassed person, so in the interest of journalistic research, I took his advice, on the Central Line of the London Underground. It was agonizing. But my overblown fears were cut down to size: I wasn't verbally harangued or physically attacked. A few people looked at me strangely.

Just thinking in sober detail about worst-case scenarios—a technique the Stoics called "the premeditation of evils"—can help to sap the future of its anxiety-producing power. The psychologist Julie Norem estimates that about one-third of Americans instinctively use this strategy, which she terms "defensive pessimism." Positive thinking, by contrast, is the effort to convince yourself that things will turn out fine, which can reinforce the belief that it would be absolutely terrible if they didn't.

In American corporations, perhaps the most widely accepted doctrine of the "cult of positivity" is the importance of setting big, audacious goals for an organization, while employees are encouraged (or compelled) to set goals that are "SMART"—"Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely." (It is thought that the term was first used in a 1981 article by George T. Doran.)

But the pro-goal consensus is starting to crumble. For one thing, rigid goals may encourage employees to cut ethical corners. In a study conducted by the management scholar Lisa Ordóñez and her colleagues, participants had to make words from a set of random letters, as in Scrabble. The experiment let them report their progress anonymously—and those given a specific target to reach lied far more frequently than those instructed merely to "do your best."

Goals may even lead to underachievement. Many New York taxi drivers, one team of economists concluded, make less money in rainy weather than they could because they finish work as soon as they reach their mental target for what constitute a good day's earnings.

black and white picture of positive and negative pattern Focusing on one goal at the expense of all other factors also can distort a corporate mission or an individual life, says Christopher Kayes, an associate professor of management at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Prof. Kayes, who has studied the "over pursuit" of goals, recalls a conversation with one executive who "told me his goal had been to become a millionaire by the age of 40…and he'd done it. [But] he was also divorced, and had health problems, and his kids didn't talk to him anymore." Behind our fixation on goals, Prof. Kayes's work suggests, is a deep unease with feelings of uncertainty.

Research by Saras Sarasvathy, an associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia, suggests that learning to accommodate feelings of uncertainty is not just the key to a more balanced life but often leads to prosperity as well. For one project, she interviewed 45 successful entrepreneurs, all of whom had taken at least one business public. Almost none embraced the idea of writing comprehensive business plans or conducting extensive market research.

They practiced instead what Prof. Sarasvathy calls "effectuation." Rather than choosing a goal and then making a plan to achieve it, they took stock of the means and materials at their disposal, then imagined the possible ends. Effectuation also includes what she calls the "affordable loss principle." Instead of focusing on the possibility of spectacular rewards from a venture, ask how great the loss would be if it failed. If the potential loss seems tolerable, take the next step.

The ultimate value of the "negative path" may not be its role in facilitating upbeat emotions or even success. It is simply realism. The future really is uncertain, after all, and things really do go wrong as well as right. We are too often motivated by a craving to put an end to the inevitable surprises in our lives.

This is especially true of the biggest "negative" of all. Might we benefit from contemplating mortality more regularly than we do? As Steve Jobs famously declared, "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way that I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."

However tempted we may be to agree with Woody Allen's position on death—"I'm strongly against it"—there's much to be said for confronting it rather than denying it. There are some facts that even the most powerful positive thinking can't alter.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GM Corn Causes Giant Tumours?

rats with tumors being held up in laboratory

GM corn could have caused giant tumors

29th September 2012 by Eva Blum Dumontet

A scientific study of Monsanto’s GM corn has caused a huge row in France after the scientists released shocking pictures of rats distorted by tennis ball-sized tumors. The study has put the debate about genetically modified crops back on center stage after the methods used were widely attacked by the wider scientific community.

The two-year study was carried out by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini from the University of Caen. It looked at a Monsanto engineered maize known as NK603, which is modified to resist the company’s herbicide, Roundup. The product allows farmers to spray their fields to keep them free from weeds without harming the crop.

fat diseased rats exposed to GM cornProfessor Seralini tested the product on more than 200 rats divided into nine groups: three groups were given GM corn, three GM corn exposed to the herbicide Roundup and three received regular corn exposed to Roundup. After a year, the team concluded that liver necrosis and congestion were significantly higher among the rats in all the tested groups compared to the control group. Those groups were also more likely to develop kidney damage. Among all the rats exposed to GM corn, 50% of the male and 70% of the females died prematurely, as opposed to 30% and 20% in the control group.

Last week Professor Seralini published his findings in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology and held a press conference in which he detailed his work. Along with the study the professor also announced the release of a book and a film on September 26 both entitled ‘Tous Cobayes?’ (All Guinea Pigs?). The study was widely reported on by the French press and further afield, not least because it was accompanied by graphic pictures of rats covered in large tumors – which were published by the press. Three ministers – the ministers of health, ecology and agriculture – published a joint press release announcing that the Anses would look at the study. They added that if the Anses considered that the NK 603 product presented any potential risk they would instantly block the imports of Monsanto’s GM corn to the European Union until further studies were done.

fat rat being held up in laboratory Russia immediately took moves to block imports of Monsanto corn. But within hours of its publication, Professor Seralini faced a barrage of criticism from the scientific community. His methods were fiercely attacked and it was suggested he had used rats that were prone to tumors. Besides his scientific methods there was much fuss made about the way Professor Seralini had presented his paper. Le Monde newspaper reported that only journalists who had signed up to an embargo were given advance copies of the study. This meant that they were unable to consult other scientists for comment. As a result the story focused on the ‘emotive’ photos released by the scientist.

Professor Seralini is an anti-GM food activist and a prominent member of the CRIIGEN – the committee for research and independent information on genetics. However, the CRIIGEN’s independence has long been questioned as it is financed by NGOs, such as Greenpeace and WWF, and food retailing corporations like Auchan and Carrefour. His now notorious rat tumour study has re-opened the debate around GM in France. Professor Seralini defends his work arguing that his was the most detailed long-term study carried out on GM crops. He told the Bureau: ‘I don’t consider myself “anti-GM food”. I am simply demonstrating that if we do long-term studies, there is a possibility we will find something.’ ‘I used the same strain of rats that have been used in all the studies on GMO. I couldn’t have used an animal like a guinea pig that would not develop tumors because I need a strain of rat, whose organism is sufficiently similar to the one of a human being.’

The criticism continues. ‘The problem is not so much about the strain he used. It is about how few rats he used. When you only have 10 rats in the control group the results can be a complete coincidence,’ says Gerard Pascal, toxicologist at the INRA (National Institute for Agronomical Research) and one of France’s leading experts on GM. He is also critical of how the pictures of rats had been used. ‘The rats in the control group who developed tumors as well would look exactly the same,’ he added. Professor Seralini admits that it would have been better to have more rats, but that would have required a lot more money and he suggests that much of the criticism has come from pro-GM food lobbies. ‘The first ones who cry wolf are the ones who have authorized GMO without proper long-term studies. Industrial companies have always funded their own researches, yet what is troubling is how supposedly independent experts have now given up on their integrity.’

Several committees will review in the coming days Seralini’s study and evaluate its reliability. Yet this new ‘Monsanto controversy’ highlights an everlasting issue: the lack of clarity and transparency on the issue of GMO, as the media has become a hostage to both pro and anti GM food lobbies.