
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A New Generation of Anorexic Models

Meet Kaia Gerber, the new kid on the modeling block, the latest 'it' girl and the toast of the modeling world. And if she weren't Cindy Crawford's daughter, she'd be just another walking stick in good looking heels. Is she anorexic or not? That was the question being asked after her debut at Calvin's Klein's New York Fashion Week show six months ago. But that question has been pushed away faster than a plate of food because the fashionistas would like her to stick around for a while, she's good for business.

The fashion world has reneged on their promise to restrict a model's employment if they don't meet stringent weight requirements, which occurred after a few high-profile deaths a few years ago. Kaia certainly does not meet these new requirements to model, but she does meet the requirements to go into an anorexic treatment facility toute suite and come up with a new life plan. According to Plus Model Magazine, 'twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less.' However, like every other scandal, wait five years until the hubbub dies down, then it's back to business as usual.

There's no end to the vanity in the fashion world overseen by rich, vapid people who are self-obsessed vampires, underpaying the people who stitch together this clothing in sweatshops around the world and exploiting the morbidly under-weight teenagers who model them. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Bill Cosby Verdict

No, this is not Bill Cosby's mugshot, but close enough. This is a synthesis of those with whom he'll be sharing the television room in prison, perhaps to catch one of his re-runs as Dr. Huxtable. What I like about this expression is it's missing the smugness that we have all come to know and despise about Bill Cosby, along with his stubborn refusal to man up to his 40+ years of rape crimes.

Although he had hoped to do his crime time in his slippers and pajamas in the comfort of his mansion with its lovely gardens, he has been sentenced to 3 - 10 years in the slammer with dozens of other sex-offenders scratching their balls nearby. Perhaps he can work in the laundry, or peel potatoes in the kitchen, or really get down in the trenches and learn some humility by cleaning toilets and mopping up.

Cosby's wife, Lookaway Camille, is shading his television co-stars who correctly made the choice to distance themselves from both of them. Time you did the same Camille, although I think it's too late for you. You've demonstrated that you're as bad as he is and that you rightly deserved him for the past 54 years of your ersatz marriage.