
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Forgiveness Is Moving Forward

Humboldt, Saskatchewan bus/tractor-trailer crash
On April 6, 2018, a horrific crash occurred at a highway intersection in Saskatchewan, Canada, killing 16 people and injuring another 13. The tractor-trailer, in the middle of the  intersection and heading west, was t-boned by a bus traveling north and carrying 27 members of a hockey team on their way north to a semi-final game in a neighboring community. The truck failed to yield at a series of warning lights and a flashing stop-sign and was struck by the northbound bus, which crashed into the tractor-trailer at an approximate speed of 100kph. The scene was a nightmare for all those involved in the aftermath - the strewn carnage, the death, the extent of the injuries, the suffering.

The local community and the country were stunned, in shock and at a loss to explain how something like this could happen, even though a family of 4 had previously lost their lives at the same intersection. Parents were in shock, a shock that turned into anger and then into sadness and loss. The funerals lasted weeks and a few of the injured were in hospital for months. A tragedy of enormous proportions, it touched people around the world.

The driver of the truck:  He was young, inexperienced and had only started driving for the trucking company the previous month. Still, he didn't slow down, didn't even try to stop his truck. Distraught and contrite, he pled guilty at his trial in order to spare the families any more grief. He was given an 8-year jail sentence and a probable deportation back to India once paroled.

It's been difficult for the families to move forward, the conflicting emotions, the overwhelming sense of loss - a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter.  Most of the parents gave victim impact statements at the trial, some condemning the driver, others questioning, some trying to come to terms and a few, forgiving.

A few months after the trial and thinking about what her son would want, Tricia Wack, the mother of 21-year old Stephen Wack, one of the deceased who had a promising future ahead of him, penned a moving letter to the driver.     

“To Jaskirat Singh Sidhu:

 I say the following. I forgive you. Since Stephen’s death in the crash that day, I often ask myself, what would Stephen think, say or do? The answers often govern my actions. I can say with conviction that my son Stephen would forgive you. Stephen was a spiritual young man with a strong faith in God; he practiced forgiveness with an open heart and was compassionate by nature.” 

Stephen Wack


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Rappers With Rap Sheets

Hardcore rap, murder rap, gansta rap. The music is filled with violence; the videos depict shootings, assault, rape and murder. The two rappers pictured above, Biggie and Tupac, have long been cold in their graves after being shot multiple times. Rap music, which includes east coast rap and monster rap, is a parent's nightmare and the world would be a better place without it.

I once had a dispute with my daughter when she was 15 about some of her music selections, in particular murder rap. The 'lyrics' went something like this:  'I wanna fuck ya muther. I wanna kill yo daddy. I wanna rape ya sista. Yo.'  I took the CD away. It was a phase she was going through, but why do kids have to be subjected to this crap? Is this what freedom of speech is all about?  

Here's a short list of some of the more memorable felons from rap.  

Markice Moore, aka Kesan, was arrested in 2010 for allegedly beating his baby daughter. The infant girl's arms, wrist, right leg, right collar bone and three ribs were broken. After being with Moore, she had bruises to her eyes, face, ears, back, chest and rear, according to police. He went on to marry the girl's mother, who bore him another child. This guy almost killed his daughter, yet he is still walking the streets. Instead of 20 years in jail, he paid $20,000 to get out. He's still being hired today.

Tekashi 6ix9ine, aka Daniel Hernandez, 22, was arrested in November 2018 for racketeering, firearms charges and conspiracy to murder. He's also snitched on all his friends in the biz. Earlier, he'd been charged for an indecent performance with a 13-year-old girl. He has a shopping cart full of other charges because his juvenile delinquency started in infancy. Evidently, this guy may be going away for life. Great to have this piece of shit work off the streets and behind bars. 

R. Kelly - a well-known pedophile, but a well-respected musician. Just goes to show what money and power can buy. He's been charged with illegal acts with a minor and kidnapping, but that didn't stop him from being the show-stopper at Whitney Houston's funeral. The latest documentary on him, Surviving R. Kelly, details him allegedly keeping women in a prison-like environment at one of his houses and brain-washing them from leaving, while using them for sex. There are videos of him online having sex with a 15-year-old girl. He even went to his own high school to blatantly pick up girls. The parents were just fine with it. It's R. Kelly! Had he been some loser off the street....But when these girls develop breasts and sprout pubic hair - he done. 


Chris Brown - another rapper with the personality of a an empty soda can. Everyone remembers when he beat Rhianna within an inch of her life, right before the Music Awards. Good call, Chris. Took him years to outlive that one, but he's been in and out of trouble since then. In January 2019, a woman in Paris charged him with rape, along with two of Brown's bodyguards. Is he guilty? Luckily for his ass, he got out and flew home in the luxury of his own private jet and partied hard once he got here. This guy needs to be sent to Siberia in the dead of winter, with no coat.

Nicki Minaj - This is her mugshot, a picture of the real Nicki. I have to include this one because she's been involved musically with most of these losers. With her fake butt, plastic tits, foul mouth, minimal talent and empty personality, she'll do anything to get attention. She was just awful on American Idol and acted as if the show were all about her. Her current boyfriend is a registered sex offender, but that is just FINE with her. She's pregnant. Good luck with that Nicki.