
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Truth About September 11th

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

While reading the news, often times I see the term ‘raising awareness.’ A woman runs a 10-km run in order to ‘raise awareness’ of breast cancer. A scientist at a conference on global warming is quoted as saying that we need to ‘raise more awareness’ of the ramifications of carbon dioxide. An actor makes the rounds of the talk show circuit to 'raise awareness' of Parkinson’s disease.

It is well that celebrities, environmentalists, scientists and ordinary people are raising public awareness to a host of catastrophes and diseases that are threatening our very survival around the globe. But when are we going to stop and 'raise awareness' and have a proper investigation about what happened on September 11th? There was more investigation of Bill Clinton's sex life than there's been on the biggest terrorist event in American history. 

Relevant to that important question is -  Why do those who do try to expose the truth of government intervention and aggression, even against their own citizens, get labelled a conspiracy theorist nutjob and face social alienation, marginalization and ridicule.

The result of 9/11 was the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the rise of ISIS. When questions have been raised as to who is responsible for the rise of sectarian hatreds and the resulting grisly killings in the world by ISIS, then the freedom that we think we have to pursue the answers to these questions get sticky. The right to question government actions might get you on the watch list. As more stringent laws are created in the future to curb criticism, we, the underclass and powerless, will be restricted to comment on those topics that those whom we serve deem appropriate. Pretty soon, critical comments on anything other than the size of Kim Kardashian's ass may make us liable to arrest without probable cause, held against our will and charged as provocateurs, or worse, terrorists.

One of the reasons for the catastrophic rise in conflicts happening around the world today is September 11th. However, the knowledge about the events of that day is not discussed rationally in the public arena, but scuttled off to one side and buried under the pretense of national security. Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that had nothing to do with September 11th, were threatened and attacked and have been virtually destroyed, their cultural heritage in ruins, while Saudi Arabia, a corrupt dictatorship and a known paymaster and exporter of terror in the Middle East, was not. Oil. But didn't America invade Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction? That was a bald-faced lie.  And who believes the lies in the 9/11 Commission Report?

If we want to truly 'raise awareness,' why not ask deeper questions, have a proper investigation about how and why September 11th really happened, in order to get at the truth of the events of that day and carve out the bĂȘte noir, the cancer that lies at the center of the American government. Witnesses at ground zero, professionals who studied both the photographic and physical evidence and engineering experts who wrote detailed volumes addressing the 9/11 Commission’s inaccuracies, are mostly vilified and mocked by the press as conspiracy theory nutcases and hack scientists. Just mention the two words conspiracy theory and any discussion is over. As a result of their dedicated search for the truth, some of these professionals have been relieved of their university posts and isolated and alienated by their friends and colleagues.

If people want to raise awareness, focus on the events of September 11, an event that has led us to the brink of world war. Make 9/11 a ‘raise awareness’ topic because so many lies have hinged on this one big lie. We need to demand answers into the events of that day and bring whoever is responsible to accountability. It seems an overwhelmingly daunting task, but essential, in order to rescue the truth from the hands of those that want to rewrite history and lead us further down their darkened path. Do I believe that we'll ever find out the truth?  Did we ever find out who killed Kennedy? 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Circumcision - Male Genital Mutilation

Ryan Heydari
Ryan Heydari
There are so many collective tragedies about children in the world that are heartbreaking, stories of war and loss. At the same time, there are some individual tragedies that are just as heartbreaking, and that's the story of John Heydari and his wife Homa Ahmadi from Toronto, Canada. The couple immigrated to Canada 12 years ago from Iran and in January 2013, Ahmadi gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He was a 'boy who loved attention, cried relatively little and seemed to actually smile. He gave us the most amazing moments of our life,' said Ryan’s mother.

After he was born, the parents didn't want to have him circumcised, but were persuaded by a family doctor to have the operation on their son. His inept aftercare saw him sent home on more than one occasion, despite his lethargy and unusual bleeding and as a result of the bleeding, the baby died 10 days after the operation. He was only 22 days old.

This unnecessary and risky operation should be stopped altogether, it's not a life-saving or necessary operation. It's a barbaric practice and historically has been done without anesthetic. Evidently, babies don't feel pain. This archaic thinking has been the norm in medicine for hundreds of years. Imagine not giving a baby anesthetic to cut off a piece of him. It doesn't make sense. Now this couple is left with only guilt and remorse for the loss of this beautiful boy, all for allowing a doctor to talk them into an operation they didn't want in the first place. We want to put an end to female genital mutilation, it's also time to put an end to male genital mutilation.