
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sand Thrown In A Bully's Eyes

The bully in the playground was sucker-punched and sand was thrown in his eyes. It had never happened before. His humiliation and shame at the offense he will avenge and in his rage, no one will be spared.   

Loss of face -  a public humiliation that shames and disrespects an individual, particularly within the social confines of the eastern world. On a global scale, imagine the humiliation Israel is experiencing by their attack from Hamas - an invasion, rocket attacks, killings and kidnappings from a small 'guerilla' group against a heavily armed, first-class military backed by the US government. The shame of their defective intelligence is at a global level. Israel was caught off guard and humiliated in front of the world. As a result of this public degradation and loss of face, the punishment will be all out of proportion. No Palestinian will be safe anywhere, both in the West Bank and in Gaza, regardless of the humanitarian rhetoric. The bully ran to his protector for help and now under their shield the sandbox, and everyone in it, is going to be completely obliterated. 

To podcast shills who defend Israel and who know embarrassingly little about the history of the Middle East, such as Megyn Kelly and Ben Shapiro, you have to ask: how many dead Palestinian bodies will satisfy your revenge? How many buildings destroyed? How many lives ruined? How much darkness? With the complicity and support of the US, who threatens any that would seek to help or interfere, we helplessly stand by sickened as we watch in horror this obscene display of blatant murder. This is not war. This is slaughter.     

It's clear the Israelis would like to see the end of not only Hamas, but all Palestinians in the occupied territories. This has been their goal for years - to be rid of Palestinians through oppressive and stifling laws and lack of freedom. Men, women and children - all gone. Pushed into the Sinai desert with no right of return, as cumulatively millions of Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria have experienced. The irony is, the Israelis created the very organization they're now fighting, Hamas, in order to counterbalance Arafat's PLO. Fighting what you created is called blowback. 

The collective oppression, mistreatment and murder of Palestinians has been successful due to propoganda slogans created at Israel's inception.  'Never again' and 'we have a right to protect ourselves' are slogans with which the world has been shamed for decades on the back of the genocide of World War II. Every incursion into the West Bank or Gaza by the Israeli military has been prefaced with those words to justify their actions and curtail  discussion of legality or rights. Likewise, any criticism of Israeli actions comes with protestations of anti-semitic.  

The invasion and appropriation of Arab land has been the norm for Israelis, with illegal settlements strategically intersecting the West Bank.  Israelis, protected by the military, move in and build houses and build their own roads called Sterile Roads which Palestinians cannot drive on. Israelis can drive anywhere without restriction, with the hundreds of checkpoints manned by the Israeli military for Palestinians only. At the same time, settlers throw garbage, sewage and racist epithets at the Palestinians and their children, whose land they have stolen. 

The world is at a moral precipice, watching as more than two million people are killed and wounded by psychopaths and it gets bleaker, darker and more terrifying as the days pass. How is it that not one person can stop maniacal Netanyahu from this destruction. Well, no one could stop Hitler. Why is that? 

Palestinians are as despised by the Israelis as the Jews in Germany, where Hitler once opined 'you will curse me every Jew I don't kill.'  Netanyahu is muttering the same towards his nemesis. 

'What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size' - Carl Jung. This sudden explosion of violence has been building for the past 75 years - the night raids, the beatings, the arrests, the bulldozing, the bombing, the imprisonment, the torture and the list of atrocities commited by the Israelis against the Palestinians is too long to consider here. George Santayana said 'those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' Perhaps : We remember the past only to repeat it. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Serial Killers Pay It Forward

In a case that lasted over ten years and was fraught with charges of corruption and ineptidude, Long Island's serial killing is now finally over and the suspect in custody awaiting charges for kidnapping and murder. Once a new cold case team got on it, it didn't take long to put the pieces together. And, of course, the man who ruined everyone's day at the beach for years was just a normal guy, albeit a narcissistic architect and porn viewer who neglected his family and his house, a rundown, paint-peeling piece of shit that didn't fit in his upper middle-class neighborhood where he'd lived for 30 years. However, much as the neighbors didn't like Rex and crossed the street when his 6'4" frame lumbered towards them, none of them suspected a serial killer living in their midst.  

Heuermann's house in Long Island

There is a discussion on social media, including interviews with the neighbors, of what will become of Heuermann's childhood home which he bought from his ailing mother in 1994 for $170,000. He had hoped to live there after his retirement with his step-son and his wife of over two decades, Asa Ellerup. Most of Heuermann's neighbors would favor the demolition of the spooky eyesore that housed the intimidating hulk who scowled at his neighbors and leered over his fence at the woman next door. However, I believe the demolition of the house would be a grave mistake. 

There is money to be made in misery and horror. A vast swathe of today's television viewers watch crime and cop shows. Golly gee mom and pop shows and brain dead sitcoms like Friends have been replaced with true crime shows of every ilk. Murder, stalking, serial killings, arsonists, live car chases, psycho neighbors, police busts, home invasions, robberies and car-jackings are the normal fare on television. Serial killers are the new famous faces of the millenium and once arrested, tried and put in jail, their notariety and popularity only grows, with some receiving hundreds of marriage proposals from women who obviously need a psychiatrist, in lieu of a lobotomy. With these facts in mind, here's what I propose for the property of Rex Heuermann.

Turn his house into a museum for the morbidly curious. Bonus? No reconstruction costs. No renovations required. No lawns, no gardens, no paint, no nothing. Every shirt would remain where it hung when he was arrested in downtown Manhatten. The 
cellar where he chopped up the bodies, the hammer with the dried blood hanging on the wall, the freezer where the heads were kept, the bones that he buried in the backyard, the souvenirs that he may have stowed, even the sweaty underwear beside his bed. All of it as it was when he was arrested. If the locals chipped in to buy the house and a board were elected from the neighborhood, think of the money that could be spent towards a new park, a new school, or another library. They could afford bus tickets to Washington DC for the indigent laying on their sidewalks. Any expenses incurred by the locals would be reimbursed within a few short years from the money earned through the museum and bus tours. Have Rex Heuermann's crimes pay it forward. Let him compensate the neighborhood for destroying its anonymity and good reputation.   

Borden's house, Massachusetts

This idea is nothing new, it's been done before. There are millions of morbid customers interested in paying to see the lives and homes of the despicable and notorious and the more evil, the better. The site would be popular, as are the homes of many infamous: Gary Ridgeway's house in Seattle, the Menendez brothers house in Hollywood, Al Capone's house in Miami, even Alcatraz that housed dozens of killers is still open for business. True crime fans can even spend a spooky night in the home of Lizzie Borden, the timid daughter who hacked her father and step-mother to death with an ax. Let's take lemons and turn them into cold hard cash.