
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sinead O'Connor, aka Shuhada Davitt


I wrote in a previous article that people should leave the Irish Catholic singer alone, she's okay, just an eccentric girl who gained some weight and lost her path. Alas, I was wrong. This woman is bat shit crazy and would someone ever get her into care?

In 2017 Sinead posted a 12-minute video, filmed from some dumpy New Jersey hotel room, of herself sobbing, claiming that since she had lost custody of her 4 children she had no reason to live, alluding to suicidal thoughts: 'There’s absolutely nobody in my life except my doctor, my psychiatrist – the sweetest man on earth, who says I’m his hero – and that’s about the only thing keeping me alive at the moment … And that’s kind of pathetic. My entire life is revolving around not dying, and that’s not living. And I’m not going to die, but still, this is no way for people to be living.'

No, it isn't. But first off, she needs to lose her psychiatrist because her medications are probably destroying her rational mind, or what's left of it. Prozac, Celexa,Lexapro - any one of these drugs will make you want to kill either yourself or your mother and siblings. In her delusional haze she has now announced, while wearing the hijab, that she has reverted to Islam and has changed her name to Shuhada' Davitt. Those who are not Muslims are 'disgusting.' 

Sinead - enough!  Get off the meds!

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