
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Canada's Government Cares About My Health, They Said So


The event that frightened me at the beginning of this 'pandemic' wasn't the vaccine (because it hadn't been dreamed up yet), but the right of the government to make me stay home. I was imprisoned in my own home. That's the first thing I noted to others, the unequivocal power of the government to curtail my right to movement; however, others were quick to respond - BUT IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! 

People have been indoctrinated, since pledging allegiance to the flag every day throughout grade school, to believe that the government is protecting them, guarding them against enemies who would harm them when, in fact, it's the opposite; we're being poisoned both physically and spiritually.

I always use cigarettes as an example when it comes to the Canadian government giving a shit about my person health. When they raise the price on cigarettes the government says - IT'S TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO STOP SMOKING! This is deceitful since everyone knows lifting the price will not stop an individual smoking. However, it does give more tax revenue to the government. And who is going to protest and question the price of cigarettes when smokers are pilloried?  THEY SHOULDN'T BE SMOKING! 

However, when the natives started selling cheaper cigarettes off the reserves a few years ago, it was against the law (they were cutting in on gov't revenues). But maybe they were illegal because the government wanted to regulate the poisonous chemicals in the cigarettes, make sure smokers were getting the less harmful ones?

If the government were sincere about helping smokers, stores would have the right to sell one cigarette at a time rather than 20 or 40 to a pack. In order to have one cigarette, you need buy 40, just enough to keep the smoker addicted. And in purchasing one pack they must smoke all the contents because a pack of cigarettes is so expensive who is going to throw 19 away after smoking one? But finally, if the government truly cared about smokers and their health, wouldn't they just stop the sale of cigarettes? Stop supporting an industry that simply does nothing except create sickness and death? Oh, and taxes.

I've stopped having this argument about smoking and healthcare, amongst many other arguments. Look, do I want to sit down beside a smoker at a restaurant? No. Do they smell? Yes. But who threw tobacco all over them and then looked away? The same could be said of many other dangerous and fatal products that are approved by government.

Then there's the social assault on the smoker himself, which has been media driven and represented by the billion-dollar, anti-smoking Nicorette industry. We'll get you addicted and then sell you something to ease off your addiction. Sound familiar? This is the same formula the Dark Powers use for everything we utilize and buy today. Sugar, coffee, cigarettes, gas, skin whitener, diet products......and the correct attitude to go along with them.

Now, instead of our smoker being the archtypical male, the heroic, rugged Marlboro man who's sexy and intelligent, or a seductive Greta Garbo siren, he's dirty and he's weak, a low-class, smelly individual with no restraint and no respect for his health and well-being. He should just quit smoking, he's stupid. HE'S ADDICTED!

Likewise, the pharmaceutical companies spent millions on advertising and addicted millions more with opioids, turning people from decent middle-class working stiffs with families to burnt-out drug addicts pimping theselves out for the next hit. But even our likes and dislikes, our prejudices, are manipulated. Who is next in line for our sympathy is now being decided in the boardroom of the Dark Powers.

People who have never smoked don't consider the insidious addiction of cigarettes and the pure evil nature of the cigarette industry, which is one of the most corrupt, out-dated, capitalist ventures of all time that has flown under the radar for decades. They have shifted their advertising operations to the Eastern bloc because people in the west are wising up, while young people in the east, mostly, smoke without conscience.

This is the trick of the government - create laws that have us watch our neighbors and their behavior - be suspicious, report by-laws that aren't being followed, judge each other's actions. Are they smokers? Our likes and wants are manipulated through advertising and news programs. But the Dark Powers won't stand for intelligent debate on what's good for us, they'll decide. Nor will you see on television critical discussions about corporate manoueuvres to dominate and control our viewpoint, even if we're on the brink of annihilation. Those who work for the media on the frontlines make the agenda more palatable what with their clear skin, thick hair and straight teeth.

Most of us are gullible, but we're still entitled and have a right to honest government. It's understood that the Dark Powers have robbed the great majority of our thinking skills through over-stimulation and mind control. It truly is a war of good against evil. But we have to keep our eye on the real devil - the Dark Powers - and keep in mind who the real enemy is and not be distracted by hate towards the addicted schmuck smoking a cigarette, but rather, have compassion for his weakness. 



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